Our Mission

Our mission is to be the most respected HVAC and plumbing company in Oklahoma by following our F.O.U.R. Core Values while honoring the traditions and legacy of the Lieber name.

Core Values

  1. Family – We are a family-focused business ensuring that all coworkers have a good work-life balance and flexibility.
  2. Opportunity – Our culture helps create opportunities for careers and life-long skills. We want to be the destination.
  3. United – We are all united in one plan and one direction. We work for each other and the customer.
  4. Respect – We value our coworkers and customers, and we honor that by showing respect to one another.
The crew and staff of Lieber Mechanical pose for a pic at the 2022 Holiday Party

To see these principles in action, give us a call at (405) 265-4695 to schedule a service call. We are ready to put our 76 year reputation on the line for you!